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Sahel: Community radio stations, media freedom group sound alarm on violence against journalists

Journalists in the Sahel region are facing increased security risks, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) alerted Tuesday (Sep. 24).
At least two community radio journalists were killed and two kidnapped by armed groups in Mali and Chad since November last year.
In a statement, the media freedom group and 547 local radio stations from 16 west African countries notably called for the protection of the right to information.
Their appeal to the authorities also included a call to fight impunity.
Local journalists in the Sahel are most often the only information professionals who have access to these cuntries.
Since the creation of community radio stations in the region in the 1990s, they have played a crucial role in the media landscape, according to RSF.
In addition to security threats from terror groups, there have been accusations of a cracked down on political dissents and journalists in states ruled by military leaders.
